OpenSTA - Open System Testing Architecture OpenSTA Source Downloads
Access to OpenSTA internals
Thanks to SourceForge

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If you are looking for Windows installables or documentation for OpenSTA then you need this page. The source code for the Win32 implementation of the OpenSTA environment is presently available from this page in two forms. These are, as a downloadable zip archive and via access to the official CVS repository.

CVS Access

The SourceForge CVS repository is available for anonymous access, with instructions for its use here. The complete Win32 source package is available with the module name of ostaw32. The CVS sources are the most up to date at any given time, but they are not guaranteed to be stable or even build cleanly. If you must have the very latest fixes or want to actively take part in the development of OpenSTA then this is your best method of access.

Release Archives

Whenever a stage is reached where the core team of OpenSTA developers feels that the CVS repository contains a stable and buildable set of sources, the repository will be tagged and a zip file of the source directory tree produced. The source zip packages for this Win32 implementation of OpenSTA will be named where:

is a digit representing the major version number of the release.
is a digit representing the minor version number of the release. Odd numbers represent developer/unstable releases.
is a 2 digit, zero padded, decimal number representing the patch, or fix, level of the release. Or in the case of beta versions it will be a b followed by a digit.

ie. the file named is the zip package for the 1.0.1 release of the OpenSTA sources.

Zipped Source Packages

The source zip files are made available at the following download sites:

Release Status

The release status of the source packages can be found on the SourceForge OpenSTA Project Summary page.

Source Building

Once you have acquired the source your first step should be to read the build instructions. These are available in plain text in the source release packages, but are made available online here with the convenience of clickable links and any late breaking news. Please discuss any problems you experience in building the source on the developer mailing list at:
- <>.
Information about subscribing to this can be found at:
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